Saturday, November 29, 2014

Travel Plans Confirmed

On this Thanksgiving weekend...
I'm writing today to announce that we really are leaving.  Soon.
Visas confirmed.  Tickets purchased.  Quite honestly I'm filled with nervous excitement as we plan our last little bit here in Texas.  With all that has to be done, I feel like I'm coordinating a three ring circus.  Well, co-coordinating.  We have a running list of all that is needed to complete in the next couple of weeks, and with everything we mark off, we seem to add two more.  Most notably is packing.  We've trimmed down what we're actually taking quite a bit, and that I love.  I love that when we arrive, it will be with the essentials only.  I do feel lighter every time we sell an item, donate unwanted clothes, or empty a drawer of junk.  But, there's more to be done, so I'll keep this short.
First, details.
We board the plane in Dallas on the evening of Monday, 15 December.
After a layover in L.A., it's on to Brisbane, where we arrive in the morning on Wednesday the 17th.  In the Spring.
One night in Brisbane, and then it's another plane to Rockhampton, Queensland.
A short drive later, we'll arrive in our new home, Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia.
I really can't wait!

So on this Thanksgiving weekend, I'll end with words of thankfulness...
For our new home.  For the kindness of Anne in Yeppoon, who has been a voice of knowledge and comfort.  For family we have enjoyed seeing during the holiday, and who we will miss, until they come visit, which they should do!  For our children's friends, who happily make leaving hard for them, and with whom we are making lasting memories in our remaining time.  For comfort food, especially pumpkin pie and Rosas.  For our family members, the dogs, who we will miss greatly.  For our friends, who will be expected to keep in touch, if not come visit us.  For the free time I have had to catch my breath and reinvigorate my love of medicine. 
For the children, who have embraced this change as the adventure that it is. 
And, finally, I am most thankful for Tricia. 

15 days until departure,

Friday, November 28, 2014

Will's Christmas Party

Tuesday I had the privilege
of having a Christmas party I
went ice skating with my best friends because I loved it so much last time. My favorite part was just being with
my friends. It was so much fun I want to
We spent a lot of time on the ice.
do it over and over again.

Clinging to the wall.

Will and Camden

Will and Levi

Camden, Conrad, and Will

 Skating done, time for burgers!
Ty says, "Stay away from my food!"

Will and his crazy friends.

16 Days till we leave,

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Update Time

As time has been ticking by, we have been accumulating updates about our relocation to the land of Oz.  We've got a batch together, so it's time to share.

To date, I have:
  • An Australian medical license.
  • A job: Senior Medical Officer at Capricorn Coast Hospital, essentially an employee of Queensland Health.
  • Outlined supervision: Almost all physicians, especially those new to the country, are supervised to some degree.  The level must be determined and approved by the government.  That process has been the main delaying factor.  But, it's done!  Check!
  • A physical exam.  Required for my Visa.  I think I passed.
We as a family have:
  • Passports
  • A home.  Three bedroom flat literally across the street from the beach!  Walking distance to the elementary school.
  • Australian bank account.
  • Australian health insurance.  One-tenth the cost of our insurance here in the states!
What's left:
  • Visas.  Should be any day now.  Waiting on my physical exam results, and then they should be issued.
  • Plane tickets.  To be purchased once our visas are issued.
So, that's quite an update! 
Expected departure...Drumroll...
December 15th.  Ish.
That's right, less than a month!    And in the meantime, what have we been doing?
Packing.  Homeschool.  Packing.  Homeschool.  Packing.  Homeschool.
So, on a day that's 32 degrees and misting outside, it helps to know that right now in Yeppoon, we have a home across the street from the beach, where the high today is 96.
And now I'll share some pictures from how we've been spending our last little bit here in the U.S.

Halloween in Midland, starring the cutest Superman ever!
 Homeschool extravaganza!

Expertly made diorama of the Comanche tribe.
Texas State Fair


Will in the Rangers Toyota

Petting Zoo.  Yes that is a Kangaroo.

Ice skating in Dallas.  Will absolutely loved it, even though he fell down way too many times.

Bye for now.
Days 'till departure = 29?