Friday, October 3, 2014

Still Waiting...

It is frustrating!
It makes me angry!
I feel out of control. 

Before the next part of our exciting adventure can begin, we wait...and wait...and wait some more.  Occasionally Peter will receive an email informing us of the next step, asking him to sign a document, or an update of the suggested timeline, but usually we wonder.  When we first started this journey, we were told that we would be in Australia in 6 months.  Perfect...July...middle of the summer.  In March we were informed that perhaps we wouldn't be leaving until October.  We regrouped and came up with a plan of how we could enjoy our extra months in Graham.   Once September arrived we heard that Peter would begin working in the Capricorn Coast Hospital before the end of October.  Ok, we thought, here it is. Time to really get moving and be ready.  This past week we got another call.  It looks as though Peter will begin work on January 5.  REALLY??  More waiting!  Haven't we waited enough? Had we known it would have taken a year for us to travel, we might have done things differently, but as it stands now we wait!

As my feelings of frustration and anxiety began to mount, I looked up the word "wait" in the dictionary:  "a state or attitude of watchfulness and expectancy".  Wow!  That definition sounds much more positive than I feel.  Maybe I need to take a step back and look at our situation.  This is an incredible journey that our family is able to do together.  Our lives have slowed down tremendously and we are able to focus on the importance of family.  We have embarked upon the world of homeschooling, where we are all learning and growing together.  We have had opportunities to travel around the country and explore the world around us.  And now, with a later than expected travel date scheduled, we have the chance to continue to enjoy all of those luxuries,  more time to prepare for our journey, and the freedom to stop and think about the scenic ocean views, the sand in our toes, the unknown culture that will surround us, the new place we will call home, and the unfamiliar ways medicine is practiced. 

We have been given the privilege of taking this moment to live in a "state of watchfulness and expectancy" as we wait.

Approximately 90 days 'til departure,

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