Sunday, January 11, 2015

Big Deal or No Big Deal

Summer ticks on down under...
I've had one week of work, and I'm looking forward greatly to learning all of the differences between U.S. medicine and Australia medicine. So far, the paperwork has been my stumbling block.  No better or worse here, just different. But I'm still pretty clueless, so I'll avoid that subject for now.

I thought it would be fun to reflect on our move from Texas to Queensland, enjoy a little humor, and play a little game of Big Deal or No Big Deal.  Before we moved, there were differences we thought would be a Big Deal or No Big Deal.  Since we arrived, all of that has changed.  So here we go...

No Big Deal:  Driving on the left side of the road.  A little practice, and it's a snap.
Big Deal:  Walking across the road.  Here, you look right for the first half, and left for the other half.
   The next time you cross the road, think about it!

No Big Deal:  Steering wheel on the right side of the car.
Big Deal:  Turn signal on the right side of the steering wheel.  After a couple times accidentally using the wipers to signal a turn, you start to learn.  Until the next day, when you do it again.

No Big Deal:  Snakes and spiders.  I know it's only been a month, but we haven't seen a thing.
Big Deal:  Flying foxes.  By day, they sleep in the trees by the creek.  In the evening, they come out by the thousands!  And they're huge!  And carry diseases!

No Big Deal:  Grocery shopping.  Woolworths is no United, but it's good enough.
Big Deal:  Finding ways to substitute ingredients here with what we would use in the States.  Tricia will probably write more about that sometime.  (What's a capsicum?  Bell pepper.)

Big Deal:  No Hershey's chocolate.  You don't think you'd miss it, but you would.  You would.
No Big Deal:  No root beer.  They have "sarsaparilla".  It's close enough.  And the candy shop sells cans of Dr. Pepper.  Woo hoo!

No Big Deal:  No U.S. TV, unless you want reruns of Friends.  Although we did find the Tonight Show. Occasionally we fascinate ourselves with a show about a little old Australian veterinarian, and we try in bits to watch Cricket (which is ALWAYS on).  But we have found a way to watch current U.S. TV online.  And we're actually reading books now!  That's a big plus!
Big Deal:  No DVR.  It's available, but we don't have it at our place.  I hate commercials.

No Big Deal:  Not many quick places to grab food, and even less with drive-thrus.  We're loving the "take away" option, to go eat at by the beach or at home.
Big Deal:  Most places do not have fountain drinks.  It's all here, just in bottles or cans.  Oh for a good Coke on ice from a fountain!

No Big Deal:  The weather.  It's hot and humid, but with the breeze coming off the ocean, it is actually quite nice.  In church, the windows are open, there's no air-con, and it's just fine.
Big Deal:  No thunder!  It'll probably come, but as yet it's rained several times without a hint of thunder or lightning.  Maggie is loving that!

No Big Deal:  Living in an apartment.  Big enough, safe, covered parking, nice pool, barbecue grills, and directly across the street from the beach.
Big Deal:  Did I mention across the street from the beach?  Remember, look right, then left, then cross over to the beach.

There's a lot more on our horizon, from travel to school to work to sports, etc., so I'm sure we'll have more to add to the list.  For now, I'll leave you with pictures of some of the local wildlife.

Flying fox (from a very safe distance!)

Magpie (feed it, and you'll have an annoying friend for life)

Masked lapwing
Galah (my favorites)


  1. In UK it's a problem with tourists getting hit by cars. Most cross walks have a "look right" warning.

    1 month wow. Hope y'all are keeping a daily journal as it'll go by quick.

  2. Love these stories---can't wait to read the next one! Miss y'all!

  3. Big deal: no Tricia and Peter at Cafe McCree!

  4. OB Carol and I were just discussing you and wondering how you are, so I got on your blog! :) What an adventure! Great to read about you guys and the experiences you are having. Take care!! :)
